Welcome back to Spring 2! We have another exciting half-term lined up, finishing with the Y3/4 play on the last day of term. On the last day of term children went home with their script for our Easter production of 'The Romans'. Their parts are mentioned on the slip of paper which is accompanying the script. Please support your child to learn their lines and practice the songs, so that they are ready for rehearsals straight after the break. The script and all audio tracks can be found here.
We are asking that you contribute £6 on Arbor for your child's costume, which means that we will be able to buy and coordinate the costumes. We ask that for the performance, your child wears a black tee-shirt and black trousers/leggings. Please may these be in school by 21st March in a named plastic bag. These will then need to stay in school until after the performance.
You have received all the RKE sheets for this half-term. We look forward to celebrating the Explore Work that the children bring in.