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On Monday, 25th November, 40 enthusiastic children from Fernhurst Primary School embarked on an unforgettable journey to London, where they participated in a spectacular massed choir event at The Royal Albert Hall in aid of the children’s charity Barnado’s. This extraordinary occasion brought together over 600 talented children from across the UK, all united in their passion for music.

Under the expert guidance of music teacher Mrs Lazar, the children learnt a repertoire of six songs at school in preparation for the event. In London, the day began with rehearsals conducted by the acclaimed Benjamin Pope, who inspired the young singers to deliver their best performances. The highlight of the event was their collaboration with the renowned Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, creating an unforgettable experience for both the performers and the audience alike. Among the many memorable moments was a special performance of the song 'Proud' alongside the accomplished singer Heather Small.

Year 4 student Hunter Leah was interviewed by presenter Natasha Kaplinski during the performance. He excitedly shared that his favourite part of the day was "seeing The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra," a sentiment echoed by the enthusiastic cheers resonating throughout the hall. As a token of this remarkable experience, Hunter received a gingerbread toy and decided to name it "Albert," in honour of the iconic venue that hosted their performance.

The event was not only a remarkable achievement for the children of Fernhurst Primary School but also a testament to the power of music in bringing communities together. With over £80,000 was raised on the night, Barnado’s will continue their work to support children and their families going forward. This experience forms just part of the many opportunities pupil’s at Fernhurst Primary School have to perform on a large stage and be inspired to follow their passions and talents as they go through life.

To see a montage of photos and videos from the day see