In our science days this half term we have enjoyed lots of fantastic learning about electricity! We started off our days by playing some battery operated games like Operation, a buzz-wire game, and a remote-controlled car. Then we thought about what appliances we have in our home which use electricity - we thought of lots! We then started to think about electrical safety, and how we can keep ourselves and others safe when using electrical items. We made wonderful posters showcasing this. We ended our first day by building our own electrical circuit, and decided if different circuits would work or not. We did this by learning the key components that are needed for a closed circuit (which means it will work).
Our second day started off by learning all about conductors and insulators. We learnt that an insulator prevents the electricity from flowing, and a conductor allows the electricity to flow. We then tested lots of different materials and predicted if they were conductors or insulators, and then tested them in our circuits. We finished the day by making our very own ‘Buzz-Wire’ games, which was a brilliant way to put all our learning into practice!
See the link for the Sway with photos: