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Deer (Year 1)

Welcome to Deer class! 

Your grown-ups are Miss Ridge and Mrs Pafford. You will have Mr Hayden teaching you every Wednesday morning. 

Every half term, as a parent or carer, you will receive an email with an overview poster of what we will be learning that half term. You will also receive RKE sheets (Remember, Know, Explore) for each foundation subject we will be focusing on. These RKE sheets let you know in more detail what we will be learning about and key vocabulary which will be coming across. 

Phonics is a really important part of learning to read and write and in Year 1 we spend a lot of time working on it. As a school, we use Little Wandle phonics and it is fantastic! We really like all of the lessons and the reading practice sessions. Phonics flashcards are available to purchase on Arbour. Please make sure you are helping your children become fluent readers by regularly reading with them and practising new phonics sounds. 

Fernhurst Primary has an 'open door' policy and Miss Ridge is always happy to chat,. Please do come and speak to her if there are any queries or concerns! 

Here is our timetable for the half-term. Please note that this may change depending on what other learning or events that are happening in school each week.

PE days for Spring 1 are Tuesday and Wednesday.