Rehearsing spellings – please keep the yellow file in your child’s book bag, we will give them a new sheet each Monday and you will be able to see their scores in the weekly spelling test. There are ideas on the back of the sheet to help you to learn the spellings.
A fantastic tool to help support your child with Maths is White Rose Maths' 1-minute maths app: It has individual one-minute tasks that focus on ‘Subitising’, the skill of instantly recognising the number of items in a group without counting, addition & subtraction and multiplication & division. Children can choose any topic they want to try. They then answer a unique series of questions (so it’s a different set of questions every time). If they’re struggling with a question, a ‘Hint’ button will give a helpful clue by showing the question in a different but familiar way. When the one minute’s up, they’ll see a feedback screen telling them how they’ve done.
White Rose Maths have also created a full compliment of free maths workbooks that can be downloaded to practise at home!.
For times table practice please use Hit the Button and select the times table your child is working on. In Year 2 the national expectation is for children to be fluent in 2, 5 and 10 multiplication and division facts and to be able to count in 3s.