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Robins (Year 4)

Welcome to Robins Class!

Your teacher this year is Miss Jameson, and you will also be supported in the classroom by Mrs Harper.

Please see the link to the Sway for the parent information from today:

PE Days: This half term, you will have swimming lessons on Monday afternoons at Haslemere Leisure centre. In school, you will be taught PE by Mr Neate on Wednesdays and CM Sports on Thursdays.

We have lots of exciting things lined up this year, including school trips, a production in the Spring Term and a residential in the Summer Term.

Engagement at home and home learning is important. We ask that all pupils read at least three times a week and it is recorded on Boom Reader.

If we find that we have some knowledge which is harder to remember, we can also go onto Century learning and all pupils have an individual login and all of the learning in personalised to them. Your teacher will always mention if they have added something on but it is always worth exploring the site and accessing the personalised learning.

If you ever have any queries about any of our learning, please feel free to speak to Miss Jameson.

Communication is key so if there is any aspect of school life that you would like to discuss, please get in touch.

Every half term, as a parent or carer, you will receive an email with an overview poster of what we will be learning that half term. You will also receive RKE sheets (Remember, Know, Explore) for each foundation subject we will be focusing on. These RKE sheets let you know in more detail what we will be learning about and key vocabulary which will be coming across.

Here is the link to our RKE sheets for this half term:

Please see below a typical timetable for this half term and our topic overviews for Autumn 1.