Stay Safe
Be Respectful
Always Try Your Best
To help your child at home, you are asked to complete home learning each week:
Follow this link to complete a quiz:
Alongside singing Percy Parker songs, Hit the button is a very useful game for practising times tables. By the end of year 4 children should know all times tables to 12x12 by heart. In Year 5 and 6 tables are used to support learning across the mathematics curriculum. Therefore, it is vital that children continue to practise their tables through upper key stage 2.
Children can access their Century Learning accounts at anytime to reinforce their learning at school, please encourage them to access this from home.
If your child is finding things tricky in class, we might set them some additional tasks to do at home to help them but this would be discussed with you in advance. If your child cannot remember their passwords for each of these websites, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Take a look at the RKE sheets below - these relate to our current learning in school. Your child should already know the R (Remember) section as this relates to previous learning that they have completed. The K (Know) section focusses on the learning that they will do within this unit of work. The E (Explore) section has some ideas that you could do or discuss at home to support learning. If your child is finding it hard to recall their prior learning, you might be asked to support this at home to help them be ready for the new learning that they are about to complete.