Be Respectful
Stay Safe
Always Try Your Best
Fernhurst Primary School,
Haslemere Road, Fernhurst,
Haslemere, West Sussex
GU27 3EA
Telephone: 01428 653144
Email Address: [email protected]
Headteacher: Mrs Jennifer Thornton
Senior Leader in Inclusion and SENDCo: Ms Nikki Ludlam ([email protected])
Chair of Governors: Mrs Penny Flux (written communications to be marked to P Flux c/o the school address above).
Email: [email protected]
If you need to contact any staff member, you should contact the school office. Welfare and safeguarding concerns can be reported in person or by emailing [email protected]
Our DSLs are Mrs Jennifer Thornton, Miss Sarah Allen and Ms Nikki Ludlam.
Any public enquiries should be sent to Mrs Zoe Fuller, School Business Manager using the school address and office email address above.
Academy Trust: University of Chichester Academy Trust,
Company number 8595545.
Registered office: University of Chichester, Bishop Otter Campus, College Lane, Chichester, West Sussex PO19 6PE.
Telephone: 01243 816444
For further information or paper copies of anything found on our website, please contact our School Administrator.